Honors and Awards

Congressional Record: House of Representatives, Entered into the Congressional Record, July 12, 2023, Recognizing The Patriotism of Jews During the American Revolution, Representative Brian K. Fitzpatrick, Pennsylvania’s First Disctrict.

Congressional Record: Call to Order and Prayer. Mar 1, 2001. House of Representatives, United States Congress. Uploaded Aug 11, 2014. 1:09 mins. c-span video

Doctorate of Divinity, HUC-JIR

Lance J. Sussman Rabbinic Chair in honor of his 18th year leading Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel.

Roots of Reform Judaism, Senior Scholar

Mrs. Arthur Hays Sulzberger Prize in Homiletics for the Best Short Sermon

Franklin and Marshall College, Phi Beta Kappa, Cum Laude