Education and Experience
Rabbi and now Rabbi Emeritus, Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel
Former Trustee of Delaware Valley College, the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, the American Jewish Historical Society, and Board of Governors (and Chair) of Gratz College. Chair, Central Conference of American Rabbis Press. In that capacity he also led a special taskforce to oversee the final production of Mishkan T’Filah: A Reform Siddur (2007), the new prayer book of the Reform Movement.
Visiting professor, adjunct professor, or lecturer at, among others, Princeton University, Temple University, Hunter College, Rutgers University, Gratz College and the NYC campus of HUC-JIR
Founder, Keshet Press
Group Leader, Birthright Israel
SUNY Binghamton, Associate Professor and chair of the Judaic Studies Department
Temple Concord, Binghamton, NY
Temple Beth-El, Endicott New York
Temple Beth Shalom in Middleton, Ohio
Student rabbi at Beth Boruk Temple in Richmond, Indiana
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Masters of Arts in Hebrew Letters and ordained as Rabbi. Ph.D. in American Jewish History, studying under Jacob Rader Marcus and Jonathan D. Sarna.
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Franklin and Marshall College, Phi Beta Kappa, Cum laude