Publication of a Festschrift in honor of my scholarship in the field of American Jewish History by the American Jewish Archives Journal!
I am thrilled to announce the publication of a Festschrift in honor of my scholarship in the field of American Jewish History by the American Jewish Archives Journal!
Thanks to Editor and friend, Dr. Gary P. Zola, Director Emeritus of the AJA (Cincinnati), who wrote the warm message, “To The Readers.”
And special thanks to the contributors, my friends and colleagues; Howard B. Rock, Paul Finkelman and Candace Jackson Gray, Jonathan D. Sarna, Zev Eleff, Allan Arkush, Jeffrey S. Gurock. Karen S. Franklin, and Mark K. Bauman. I was pleased that a book review that I wrote was also included!
Thanks to Dana Herman for creating this special Journal and for choosing the perfect cover.
I want you all to know how meaningful this is to me. I am grateful.
If you want to see the entire Journal, it is available at no cost HERE